Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wild Blue Blueberry Lager

Sometimes you get spoiled, and need to bring yourself back down to earth. Today's offering is covertly brewed by a subsidiary of AB. This is not necessarily bad, and I have had products from them that I enjoy. I am hesitant to try this though, as it is advertised as an 8% blueberry lager.

It pours the color of a raspberry lambic, except that it is perfectly clear. Gross, thin, watery pink head. No retention, and no lacing, at all, of any kind. This looks like juice. I am getting a little scared.
Smells like cheap blueberry candy. If there were an off brand of Blueberry Jolly Rancher's, this would be it. Artificial sweeteners abound. Gross.

Taste is nasty. Dimatap meets melted Jolly Rancher, with a dose of Mickey's Malt liquor thrown in. I really can't say much more. This is absolutely terrible, and just keeps getting worse as it warms up. I am unhappy because of this beer.

Mouthfeel is thin, but syrupy. This horrid liquid just stays in the mouth. 30/100


Erin said...

Finally, a BAD review!!! That's a sign of a true connoseur.

or is it finding joy in everything?

Great, now I'm not sure!

Greg said...


I tried this beer AND THEN looked it up online. Should have been the other way around! At 8% two bottles were enough to make me not care what it tasted like. Then I tried a bottle a few days later, with pizza, and absolutely could not finish it. Much much too sweet.

It's been a very long time since I poured out an entire bottle of anything. Ack!